Michael & Tracy
30 june 2012

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20 Responses to Sign Our Guestbook

  1. Krista says:

    First! 😉

  2. Krista Lee says:

    We were so honoured to have been a part of the big day. We had a wonderful weekend with you all and we just love you all so, so much! xoxoxoxoxo

  3. Amanda Mitchell says:

    My love to the whole family!! Congratulations, wonderful Glisson-Ortlieb family!!

  4. Alicia says:

    Thank you thank you for the opportunity, experience and memory!!! It was a true pleasure to not only assist you in child care but more importantly be there to share such a beautiful engagement with Michael, Tracy and your girls. And Tracy, I’ve known you going on 11 years now and I’m sooooo happy for you and your beautiful family. Cheers!

  5. Heather McCall says:

    Congratulations, you smart and clever people! We share your joy and wish you every happiness – can’t wait to celebrate with you…..

  6. Rachel MacTaggart says:

    Congratulations to you both, how wonderful!

  7. Keith says:

    Love it! Love you two!

  8. Yay! Yay! Yay!! Happiness abounds!

  9. Kelley Ford Flood says:

    Congratulations, Tracy and Michael!! I am tickled pink for you both. Your ceremony was perfect and so very much you. Many blessings to you and your family. To a long and happy marriage. Cheers! Kelley

  10. We are extremely pleased for you all. The best of all possible best wishes, covered with stardust!!

  11. Heather C. says:

    *This* is how it should be done – focusing on the marriage, not the wedding.

    Congratulations to you!

  12. Kristy Robinson says:

    Congratulations to you both!! I would love to make a trip to “meet” your family Tracy! I miss you and love you! So happy for you and your family!

  13. amy says:

    I love what you wrote on the ‘why we eloped’ page – I totally agree, and it’s why we also got married w/out a wedding! xo

  14. Ryan Hulslander says:

    Congratulations and I wholeheartedly agree! I am so happy for you! Our wedding was similar in that it was a quiet affair, held at a property owned by a friend in the east mountains that held a VERY old church, and our reception was at our house as a pot-luck cookout with all of our closest friends. The hardest thing was finding the nifty wine glasses we gave away – and after the wedding we see them EVERYWHERE!… Gotta love the Universe and just shake your head at all its machinations. Again, congrats! The pictures are awesome! Many happy years to you both.

  15. Kristine Golus says:

    Congratulations Michael! I’m so happy for you, and you two look absolutely stunning. That location is gorgeous and from the looks of it, you two couldn’t be happier. I’m so glad everything worked out and the happy family gets to celebrate together at long last!

  16. Linda Hnt says:

    Dear Michael & Tracy,

    What lovely news! May your life together be very l o n g and filled with much laughter, happiness, smooth sailing and mucho love.


  17. Larry Asher says:

    Like I’m always telling you, Michael: go slowly!


  18. Karly Siroky says:

    Congratulations to you both! Wonderful website — I wish I understood all the source code… someday.

  19. Todd Thompson says:

    Well, congratulations to you both! Tracy, I look forward to meeting you soon.

  20. Hayley Owen says:


    I apologise if this is a little strange considering I don’t know you, however I just wanted to say congratulations to you both and what a wonderful website this is!

    My fiance and I have just booked our elopement to Rockwater Secret Cove and seeing what a beautiful day you had brought a tear to my eye!

    Wishing you a very happy future

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